p r o j e c t e x o : chapter three - part i ⇢ authors: illegiblesigns and mouthwash ⇢ fandom: exo ⇢ pairings: various ⇢ 8451 words ⇢ R (possible disturbing content, language, violence, and minor character death) ( They were free. )
p r o j e c t e x o : chapter one - part ii ⇢ authors: illegiblesigns and mouthwash ⇢ fandom: exo ⇢ pairing: various ⇢ 6552 words ⇢ pg-13 (possible disturbing content)
p r o j e c t e x o : prologue ⇢ authors: illegiblesigns and mouthwash ⇢ fandom: exo ⇢ pairing: various ⇢ 4866 words ⇢ pg-13 (possible disturbing content)